Hello Friday, I'm so glad you are here.
This has been a tough week, not due to any TCC issues, but because I've been under the weather and swamped at work. Analytical thinking, or any kind of thinking for that matter, is terribly difficult when you feel like the bottom of a boot.
But, I think that I'm on the mend and should be feeling fine for the weekend! I so enjoy that day, after an illness, when your strength and energy return. When there's such an appreciation for feeling healthy.
In TTC news, I'm waiting for the big O, which seems to be somewhat delayed this cycle. My trusty monitor normally gives me *highs* starting around DPO 9 (early, early) and I typically O around DPO12.
Well today, is DPO 11 and I just got the good word to proceed without caution. Good timing, I suppose, seeing as I just got my moxie back . . .
In far more exciting news, I think that, if all goes well, we might be welcoming a new furry member of our family tomorrow - details to follow. But for now, I'm taking suggestions for male dog names . . .
Any suggestions for boy dog names.